
Happy Halloween!

Trick or Treat!

Here's our little stinker! Daddy bought an adorable pumpkin sweatsuit which I'll post photos of later, I want his first view of her to be in person rather than on the blog. As an added bonus that adorable skunk hat is detachable so she will be wearing it ALL winter! ;-)

Until the baby has some teeth to rot, Dan and Gina will be accepting Halloween candy on her behalf. Milky-Way bars, 3 Musketeers and Starbursts will score major points with the Mommy.


Napping with G-Mom

G-Mom "downloading" with baby.

Don't be fooled by all the photos of Claire sleeping. During Sunday she mostly looked like this:



Gina tries to absorb some of the baby's heat after taking a shower...perhaps a hair dryer would do the trick, right Nanny? :-) Check out Claire's new stuffed pony - thanks Joan!

Here's Dan with his three loves: baby, Gecko and that teal recliner.

The cats have been great with the baby. We were a little worried about Raymond (just because of his size) but they seem to ignore Claire for the most part. Gecko does like to "prarie dog" next to the swing when the baby is in it. He is so curious!



I was going to use this cute photo for Claire's birth announcement...that is until I enlarged it and noticed she was enjoying her lunch (again). Oh well, we'll try again tomorrow!

I suppose there is always this photo:

Little Fatty!

Yesterday was our 2 week baby checkup. In the 10 days since we last saw the pediatrician Claire managed to gain one pound and two ounces! What a little porker!


What's Black and White and RED all over?

Claire's little "gym!" I don't know how much of a workout a baby really requires but here's Claire hanging out in her gym. She seems rather hypnotized by the colors! Her arms and legs were moving like crazy, it looked like she was trying to swat at the hanging toys.

Happy Fall!

With the unseasonably warm weather we took the baby out for her first walk in the neighborhood for some "leaf peeping." Dan had to defend her little head from all the falling acorns, good thing she was in the bjorn!

James and Cat came up Sunday for a visit and we took the baby to a nearby state park for a BBQ and a quick hike. Quote of the weekend? "I'll pass the baby back to Mommy," says James as he hands Claire to Cat. Hahaha.

Oh...and there's also Cat's quote, "is this a changing station thing?" while looking at the electric griddle on the kitchen counter. I know Cat, I HAVE to mention it was in the dark, but it was still pretty hilarious.


Give Me A Turn Daddy!

Dan tries working on his laptop...

but baby wants a turn too!


Breaking News - We have a Belly Button!

Daddy returned to work today, and Claire decided in addition to producing some "spectacular" diapers, to drop her cord stump today! Now we can discover if she likes baths or not since sponging her down wasn't such a big hit.


Mommy's Little Helper

We're starting Claire off early because we're determined to have a fully trained programmer by age 2. Here she is working with Mom on a mySql database!

A Busy Weekend!

What a busy weekend! Grandma Rogers and Aunt Amanda came down from Oneonta to meet the newest addition. Claire took well to all her visitors (even if some of them were a little nervous about holding a newborn). Poor longer the "baby" of the family she was almost put to work changing diapers. There was just no convincing her though.

Laurie has really missed her calling as a long distance truck driver. After picking Alison up she drove up to Oneonta to get Grandma and Aunt A and then down to NJ. Thanks Laurie!

Grandma Carol is thrilled with her new grandaughter who "looks just like Dan." Hopefully there is a splash of her mother somewhere...but after seeing Dan's baby photos it's apparent that his daughter is his spitting image.

Grandma Carol's only disappointment? That the baby didn't spend Saturday night awake and ready to party. Apparently we kept her "too quiet and happy" up there interrupting some middle of the night party that the visitors had planned for baby.

Here's Laurie and Amanda hamming it up for the camera while deflating the air mattress...oh I mean they were collapsing in exhaustion from the trials of taking care of a newborn. :-)


Daddy's Little Girl!

Baby Claire inherited her father's dimple (amongst other things like his gas :-) )

Here are some cute photos of the new Daddy with his baby girl!

Welcome Baby Claire!

Seconds old and wide awake, Claire cried soooo loudly for a few minutes after being born and then decided to hang out with her newbie parents for about 3 hours before falling asleep...being born must be hard work!

She still seems to prefer sleeping with her arms behind her head and unwrapped, very much like Regina does. We're enjoying discovering her little inherited quirks! Unfortunately, Dan now has to deal with two ladies who hog the bed.

Here is her very first mohawk after her "bath" which was really just a sponge down.

Baby Claire has hated every single bath she's had, hopefully once her cord falls out (ewww!) and there's more water involved she'll enjoy things a bit more.