

There was too much snow to build a snowman in the backyard during our last storm. I had to carry the poor kid out to her playhouse because the snow was well past Claire’s waist and she couldn’t walk in it. This photo was taken about 3 days after the big storm, nearly 6 inches had already melted, it was insane!


So we moved our snowman building efforts into the plowed driveway. Claire grabbed her little shovel and wound up with a nice toddler sized snowman. She wanted stick arms and a carrot nose (just like the Kipper book we’re reading). I just had to share this picture of Claire’s errrr… “anatomically correct” snowman.





First Beach Visit of the Year!


DSC_0444It’s raining today and normal March temperatures in the 50s have resumed, but a few weekends ago it hit nearly 80 degrees!

With the sunshine and warm weather (and a bit of Spring Fever induced craziness) Claire and I took an evening stroll to the lake front to feed the fish and dip our toes in the water. My poor toes! Claire seems impervious to the cold and happily splashed around in the f-r-e-e-z-i-n-g water until I dragged her out by her belt loops.

While I buried my feet in the warm sand to warm them up, a neighbor’s dog came down for a game of fetch and Claire scurried around searching for sand toys and tossing pieces of bread to the fish (who never showed up) and snacking on the remaining pieces. We saw one lone duck and lots of hawks overhead but it seems most of the summer wildlife has yet to arrive or wakeup.


To view full size images of the collage below, just click on the link below “view full album.” Enjoy the sunny photos, it’s so rainy and cold we’ll definitely be indoors today just thinking about the warm sunshine we experienced on this lovely day!



How did I miss posting these? Here are a few more of the kiddo:



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Claire's newest phrase is:

"Oh! This makes me so happy!"

I took this series of photos after she told me how her "tu-wip" makes her so happy. I asked her how does she look when she's happy, sad, silly and mad. See the hysterical results below. Hopefully all the cute mugs make up for my tardy post and unannounced blogging hiatus.




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