
60th Anniversary

We took the baby on her first long car trip as we headed to New York to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Claire's great-grandparents. Dinner out with baby went really well, thankfully she slept through most of it and I doubt the diners nearby even noticed there was a newborn nearby!

Nan and Pop enjoyed seeing "Princess Claire" again and spent some time snuggling with her in their home before we left for dinner. "Dress that baby in a hat!" was the mantra for the night.

Here's Joanne singing to the baby. With four grandchildren (triplets!), she's had plenty of practice!


  1. What a party girl our Claire is! And what a great reason to party. Congratulations to Ann and Jim, loving parents, grandparents and now great grandparents!

    Bob and Ceil

  2. Can I just let you know...Pop is obsessed with the baby...He even put up the picture of him holding the baby on the fridge!! TOO CUTE! Really Nanny is just as obsessed...She looks at her pictures at least once a day! So much for her three "beautiful" granddaughters...It's all about Claire now!!
    -Aunt Laurie
