
Claire's Teeth!

Tooth number one is out and through the gum. I managed to snap a few pictures to show it off. The tooth's partner seems to be near poking through too, I can see a gap in her gum where it's starting to come up. How exciting! Aside from Claire's teeth, not much else is

new. Claire's still enjoying new foods (mangoes, blueberries...and an accidental sampling of refried beans) and we've been spending a lot of time swimming.

I'm hoping to have some pictures to share this week from Dan's company picnic. There are some funny ones of Claire sucking on a beer bottle - I was NOT present for this one ;-)In the meantime, here's Claire learning to eat spaghetti. Doesn't it look like she's slurping it up?


  1. Wow - new teeth! Look out Gina, those things are sharp. We'll have to take lots of pictures for the 4th. See you soon.

  2. Hooray for the spaghetti! Claire looks like she like to really get into a good meal. Now with the new teeth she will be ready for SWEET JERSEY CORN!!!

  3. OOps! I think I need an editor or another cup of coffee.

  4. Wow, she's getting blonde! Just like her Aunt Nikki and daddy when they were babies!

  5. Wow, I missed a lot. I haven't seen the blog for a couple of weeks. Claire is sure having a lot going on. Getting teeth, eating bugs (too much information)and swimming half naked with boys. Way to go Claire. She is so beautiful. This blog is really great.


  6. mmm yummy corn a.annie=)

    seriously, keep her away from those bugs!!
