
Ode to the Snot Snatcher


Boogie grabber. Nasal aspirator. Bulb Syringe. Snorker. Snot Snatcher. Super sucker.

Call it what you like. A cute name, a clinical name, a made name - it's no glorious thing, but it's part of my arsenal and I'm darn proud of it. I have THREE, because one is obviously not enough. There's the one we brought home from the hospital which has "sentimental" value. It is after all what sucked the first bit of yuck from Claire as she took her first breath - that's worth keeping, right? Then there's the aspirator which came in a kit full of other torture devices I received at my baby shower. My personal favorite? The battery operated, super sucking snot snatcher to end all childhood runny noses. Except it doesn't work. And Claire is terrified of it. The product description sounded too quaint, let me share it!

snot snatcherCleanoz® the first and only battery-operated child nasal aspirator designed to eliminate bacteria build-up inside the mechanism. With standard nasal bulb syringes, bacteria and germs get trapped and can remain inside the syringe after use, even after they are rinsed. Cleanoz® was developed by a Pediatric ENT for the special needs of newborns, infants and toddlers. Its innovative, hygienic design and technically-advanced features make breathing easier by providing a fast, efficient and safe way to clear baby's nasal passages. It's ergonomic design also makes it much easier and more convenient for parents to use.

Ergonomic...whatever. You try using a nose vacuum around a squirming 11 month old. We bought this because Claire had a few sniffles before California we were gullible first-time parents. I wanted to make sure Lil' Miss had clear nasal passages for the flight. Thank GOD I didn't have to whip this out while at 35,000 feet. I can just imagine the horrified looks from other passengers as Claire shrieked in terror.

Claire seems to be over the worst of her cold, she's almost back to her happy self. Of course tomorrow's trial class at The Little Gym near our house will probably cause another cold. If she doesn't catch one tomorrow, I'm sure Wednesday's playgroup will seal her runny-nosed fate. Oh well.

I've got my snot snatcher. I'm prepared.


  1. Poor Baby! Now you know why Claire was getting all of the Kleenex out of the box. She was getting ready for her cold. Glad to hear that she is on the mend, just don't catch it from you have a chance in hell.
    Hugs all around!!

  2. Gina - you are too funny. It was great to see yesterday that you three have survived the first of many colds.

  3. but it looks like a dolphin! how could a child be afraid of that?

  4. Eeekh! I have tried all those battery operated gizmos, but the noise scares my kid to death.... Finally my doctor, who has three girls herself! said I had to get a Nosefrida, whew! Much better, and easier to lug around. I think you need to add that one to your collection!
