How To Clip Your Baby's Toenails
It works! Yet another accolade for my trusty markers. Claire is so busy talking about the "Ray-ray" on her foot I can clip her fast growing toenails without a complaint!
The Not-So Itsy Bitsy Spider
What do you get after a solid 2 weeks of rain and the sun peeks out from behind the clouds for just a second? A shutterbug crazed Mom ready to take new photos of her toddler. We started of with some great pictures just playing in the grass. Then I got this brilliant idea to sit Claire on the bench in front of the blooming catmint. I took off the cushion and found THIS:
I'm all about leaving bugs and creepy crawlies to their own devices outdoors, it is THEIR home afterall. But that spider was HUGE and scary. I could see it looking at Claire's plump little thighs (with all it's
Disturbingly enough, Claire took one look at the spider and said "Ray, Ray yums!" whilst licking her own chops (or sweater, see below). You may remember Claire's affinity for insect protein in the past...but I think Claire must have figured out the secret to Ray's "roundness" - he's eating the giant spiders that make it into the house!
Enjoy the photos below, I'll stop being gross now :-) Claire is pointing to her boo-boo on her toe in many of the photos or playing "piggies." Isn't she cute? :-)
Happy Father's Day!
For Grandma Caca -
Waiting to Play...
hello my minions!
i have also been sneaking out to the garage to help da-da put the jeep engine together. he thinks i just was imitating him here, but i really was whispering in his ear at night what he needed to doo to get it working. i showed him how to put on the flexplate last weekend, see?:
i've been working on my jeep too, mommy found me an awesome one that someone was getting rid of. one day i will go for a ride with da-da. it still needs a tuneup and a new battery, but i love sitting in it, sort of like daddy does with the white jeep, see?:
well good night everyone, i have to sneak back upstairs and snuggle back with mommy, i love her so much.
by everyone!
ps, this editor is horrible, i don't know how mommy makes such beautiful posts!
The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow...or not
Daughter, Daddy and their 'dos
Check out the matching hairdo's Dan and Claire were sporting this weekend! I think Dan is the most tolerant guy I know...but he still wouldn't leave the house done up like this. Oh well. At least I snapped a few pictures to share with you guys if I couldn't show off my dynamic duo at the mall. Thanks for being such a good sport Dan!

A Girl, Her Dad, His Truck(s)
What a busy weekend we had! If you've been following along Dan's Facebook updates, you might have heard about the big motor swap this weekend.
After a few months of prep work, many trips to the junkyard and a bright orange coat of paint - Jeep number one finally has a working motor. So, what better way to celebrate this project's completion (THANK GOODNESS!) than to share a few videos of Claire and her Daddy "wrenching" together. It seems that
as a direct result of Dan taking up a second residence in the garage, Claire developed quite the fascination with cars and trucks. At the library last week she even snagged a book on trucks!
By the way, that's not OUR Jeep she's painting (yet!). We recently attended an open house at OK 4WD . The best way I can describe them is an off-roading outfitter. There were lots of lifted Jeeps to oogle, a rock crawling competition and even a modified fork lift set up to figure out how far you could tip your vehicle before it rolls (?!).
I have to admit, even though I've loved this event in the past (especially the overnight camping and off-roading part) I wasn't thrilled about attending this year - what was I going to do with Claire? I was absolutely delighted to find a white Jeep just waiting for Claire's artistic stamp. Dishes of red and yellow paint were stacked with some paint brushes and an invitation to "Paint Me" - well that was all we needed to pass a good hour - that and the hot dog stand just behind the vehicle. Heehee. So thank you OK 4WD, we'll see you again next year!
Check out these videos, she loves to drive them, she loves to build them and most of all, she loves to paint them. Pictures of the engine swap to come soon, Dan kidnapped the camera card, but I figured I'd get some new reading material up for today - hopefully these videos will make you smile and cure any "Monday Blues."
When Life Gives You Lemons...
Lessons from a toddler - when life gives you lemons, eat them. And enjoy them. Even if they're a bit sour and strange, you worked hard to get this lemon and should relish every juicy bite. Then get really close to Mommy's and her ever-present camera to show how much you love your lemon "yum-yum." Don't worry, she'll post 'em small so nobody can tell how terribly out of focus they are!
I've been enjoying the most delicious drink. Half a lemon squeezed into a glass with a generous dollop of sugar. Stir and then fill with seltzer. YUM! I've created a lemon monster, Claire loves to scoop out the last of the pulp. I guess that's one way to get a bit of vitamin C!