
How To Clip Your Baby's Toenails

Dan has some magical Daddy mojo that allows him to clip Claire's toenails without any protest or squirming. Me? I have to resort to bribery - check out my latest idea:

It works! Yet another accolade for my trusty markers. Claire is so busy talking about the "Ray-ray" on her foot I can clip her fast growing toenails without a complaint!
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  1. Cute idea, but will she grow into one of those girls that needs to have abundant tatoos??? Scary thought! Got to teach her that the washable ones are the acceptable display of body art.

  2. Hi Gina -- found you through top baby blog link.

    This is such a great idea! The best I can do is clip them while Little M is in his high chair and distracted by food. I like your idea better!

