
Rainy Day Hide And Seek

Rain, rain go away! I'm almost out of ideas for rainy day playtime. We've hung clothes on a pretend clothesline. We've colored with markers, crayons and chalk. Countless baths have been taken and we've watched the same videos of "dat baaaaaybeeee!" over and over again.

I'm bringing back to an old standby with some modifications for an older, more sophisticated Claire - peek-a-boo.

Please excuse my attire - it's early, I'm trying to paint the kitchen...and did I mention it's early?! And yes, if you look closely you'll see I am wearing a t-shirt from my days playing PAL softball. And yes, that was when I was in eighth grade...umpteen years ago. I don't care - just enjoy Claire's sweet giggles and ignore the crazy lady behind the curtain in her husband's boxers and paint spattered t-shirt. I have no shame ;-)


  1. PS - Gran-C this is the perfect pool coverup too :-)

  2. This was a wonderful video - I wish I were there.
