
Blast from the Past -

I was checking out my blog stats and I found it really funny that this post appears to be the most popular on all of Claire's blog -


I just can't believe I didn't notice what a funny video it was before posting. I'm not going to give too much away, you'll have to go and look (and laugh) yourself.

Watching her little head bobble around and hearing the babbles just cracks me up. Claire was about 2 months old when I shot that video and I find it hard to believe she was EVER that tiny!

New photos to come later - I have quite the collection living on the memory card of my camera that need to be posted.

1 comment:

  1. That made me laugh all over again ! I had a sneaking suspicion it would be that particular video. It is hard to believe how different she is now and actually you look different too Gina . Looks like both of you lightened up the hair. So glad we have this way of keeping memories for the future.
