
A Walk in the Park


We visited Long Island this past weekend and Claire got to spend some quality time at the park with her Auntie Laurie and Uncle Matt. One nice thing about “stop-sign Island,” as Dan likes to call it, is that there are many parks within walking distance.

After a nice nap on the couch (much needed after a long sleepless ride!) Claire was packed up and sent off to play while Daddy worked on Pop-Pop’s garage. I of DSC_0047course had to trek along to play paparazzi! Claire sampled all Rath Park had to offer: swings, monkey bars, slides and many new faces to people watch.

What a lucky catch this shot was – Claire gleefully tossing sand and Aunt Laurie grimacing as it hits her. Note the disapproving auntie DSC_0048 look in the photo following immediately afterward. You MUST click on these photos and zoom in to see the detail of the flying sand and Laurie’s reprimanding look. You can totally tell that daycare was her former gig.

Taking some time out for a romp through the park was just what this kid needed after a long car ride and busy week. She conked out on the way home and Dan and I had the most peaceful ride back to NJ. Ahhhh…sometimes things sure do work out perfectly!

Thanks Auntie Laurie and Uncle Matt for doing such a good job tiring Miss Monkey Claire out! Next time we visit we’ll have to head to the beach and see what Claire thinks about the waves and seagulls! Don’t miss the slideshow of all the images, click here to view. Enjoy!



  1. This is perfect, i LOVE the picture of Matt, Laurie and claire walking down the street---brings back fond memories of us 3 walking down the street together in elmont----"1, 2 ,3 WEEEEEE" hahah =)
    Claire you look beautiful as always!
    OH Regina I need help with my camera---

  2. Wonderful pictures ! I thought I had commented on them yesterday when I saw them. What a perfect day it was Sunday,although a bit hot for those working hard (thank you Dan Pops garage looks great) Claire is one lucky kid to have such wonderful aunts :)and uncles of course

  3. all that work, and no shots of the garage...
