
Posting Montage – AKA Call Me A Cheater-pants

Ok ok…I get the hint. Here are some new pics for all you witty commentors.

I’m too busy to write a lengthy post (camping trip to prep for this weekend), dinner to cook, toddler to chase…you know how it is) but here’s a catch up post showing what we’ve been up to these past couple of weeks.

We’ve welcomed a new kitten into our home. Dan came up with the name Walter and its stuck.  Walter finds the oddest places to hang out and he and Claire are getting on pretty well!

We’ve picked and quickly eaten the last of the harvest from the blackberry bushes on the side of the house. I have no idea how they go so big so quickly and no, Dan did not get to enjoy any of these. You snooze, you lose…I myself barely ate any as Claire gobbled them up faster than I could pick them.

We cooked some delicious tapas for the annual party at the grands’ house and Claire put her Pat-A-Cake skills to good use helping to ROLL out the dough. The original plan was to bake these (a savory version) but since we couldn’t get lollipop sticks at the grocery store we made tiny little pies instead.

Cousin Aidan came down from Boston for the Tapas party and Claire attempted to entertain him by shaking all his toys very close to his face while saying “baby baby baby!” Aidan stuck his tongue out a lot which Claire found pretty funny.

Ok! August blog posts are officially caught up. Click “Full Album” above to see the images larger and view a few additional ones.


  1. Thank you, Gina, I needed that. Loved seeing Claire and Aidan together. G-Bob promised pics, but went traveling instead.
    Love, A.A

  2. Thank you, Gina, I needed that. Loved seeing Claire and Aidan together. G-Bob promised pics, but went traveling instead.
    Love, A.A

  3. no michael pics huh?
    Well, guess we know who the favorite nephew is!! =P

  4. Guess we know alot of things,not a mention of seeing any of us We did just have a whole weekend together did we not??? McManda will just have to update HER blog !! right?
