
A Breath of Spring


DSC_0167 Our state might have gotten hit with a blizzard but Claire and I are enjoying just a little bit of spring in the house. About 3 weeks ago I grabbed some clippings of our forsythia bushes and then, just in time for a whole pile of snow they decided to burst into bloom, what a treat to see these flowers as we look out onto 2 feet of snow!

My little helper who is suffering from an awful cold decided to stay indoors yesterday and play gardener with me. Claire watered all the plants (multiple times) and hugged her tulip in an attempt to get it growing faster. We repotted bunches of houseplants and cleaned up the subsequent mess in a vacuuming duet, Claire choosing to push her carriage and make sounds effects and occasionally trying hand at her dustbuster.

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All in all a nice quiet day at home! There’s plenty of snow left and we’ll get out there for some snow forts before it melts.


DSC_0179 See that little stub of green? (Yes, the one Claire is trying to pinch).It’s one of the leftover tulip bulbs we planted two weeks ago.

Hopefully a few weeks in the cold garage will be enough to trick them into blooming. So far it does appear that they are sprouting, cross your fingers and perhaps I’ll have some colorful tulips to photograph in mid-March.


  1. Oh look at her...she's getting so big... :( I miss ClaireBear!!!

  2. She is such an adorable little germ factory :) I would have commented sooner but I was too busy coughing,blowing and feeling icky in general from that same miserable cold. Love the plants !
