
MIrror, Mirror

Mirror, mirror on the wall (well in my car) who's the happiest kid of them all?

The weather the past few days has been so wonderful. I took Claire to the park with my neighbor and her kids. She has twin boys Claire's age and the three of them seem get a kick out of each other. Kim took pictures so I'll post them when I receive them. The highlight of the trip? The ostrich farm not 3 minutes from my house. I don't know how I have missed 200+ giant birds...but I can't wait to go back and grab some photos.

Here's my view of Claire in the car taken from my rear view mirror (I was parked, don't worry). Notice the lack of tears, someone is finally starting to enjoy time in their carseat.

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  1. Let's go for a ride Mom! Can't wait to see the ostrich pix. Maybe one will give Clair bear a ride.

  2. ostrich farm?? what???
    let's go!!
    nice pic--i hope you were parked!!
