
Outside outside outside...

Can I reiterate again how excited I am that the weather is warm and we can get back outside?! I took all these pictures last week and didn't post them because we've been enjoying the outdoors so much, who has time for blogging?

Judging by Claire's interest in our veggie garden this year (the watering at least) I can guess she has inherited her Mommy and Daddy's outdoorsy genes. Any doubts? Visit here for a peek at all the other blog posts labeled 'outdoors' - major flashback alert, you'll be shocked how much she's grown and changed since last spring!

I threw in some garden photos too so everyone can see what's blooming right now. Of course everything is a week outdated already, I'll have to get back outside today with my camera! We've got tons of spinach and chard in the ground and have just sown the
seeds for two varieties of string beans and peas. The tiniest little sprouts are now poking out! Claire loves the bamboo teepees and I'm having a hard time keeping her out of the spinach bed...just wait until she realizes there are real, live STRAWBERRIES growing in her garden. Also in the garden this year: brussels sprouts, bok choy, yellow cherry tomatoes, some striped heriloom tomatoes, onions and zucchini. This is going to be a great learning experience for Claire and an enjoyable harvest for me, yum!
Don't miss the slideshow below, there are some pictures of Claire "helping" in the garden and showing off her soccer skills. As always, click if you want the full sized version for enhanced cuteness :-)


  1. How cute! I am tired looking at all these very active pictures!


  3. wow - i didn't know you were doing strawberries too - good luck keeping claire out of those. i guess i won't be inviting you guys to go strawberry picking with us this summer - ha ha.
