Lookout! This young giraffe climbs chairs, and doesn't sit still...good thing we stopped off earlier at Motophoto for our 5x7 freebie! I'll scan it and post it tomorrow, it was a really cute set up with hay bales and pumpkins! Here are the scant few I caught without a motion blur!
There's A Giraffe Loose!
Lookout! This young giraffe climbs chairs, and doesn't sit still...good thing we stopped off earlier at Motophoto for our 5x7 freebie! I'll scan it and post it tomorrow, it was a really cute set up with hay bales and pumpkins! Here are the scant few I caught without a motion blur!
Ready for Mischief!

Indoor Fun!
Metal cookware seems to hold much appeal for our little noisemaker. Her drumstick of choice is a rolling pin (imagine that racket!) or metal spoon. I recently opened up my pots and pans cabinet for her and Claire was delighted to take out all her new noisy toys and scatter them throughout the kitchen. As you can see, my metal mixing bowls double nicely as a "Peek-A-Boo" helmet. Let's not forget Claire's rocking horse - she LOVES this thing and gets it going so fast that it creeps across the room. It's nice and low to the ground which is perfect for the baby who climbs EVERYTHING. Dan and I make a huge deal out of her rocking correctly to try and discourage her tricks.
Baby Cousin!
Play in the Leaves with Me!
Well fall has officially started - I had to put Claire a hat and jacket for today's outside playtime. McManda, those leaves have finally arrived and although there aren't piles of them yet Claire did enjoy playing with them. Here's a link to the rest of the photos - be sure to check 'em out! Link to "Fall Leaves" Album.
Young Friends
How could I have forgotten to post this sweet picture of Claire and Ryan?! This is Claire's "night-night" pose. Utter those words and whatever unsuspecting creature is around will immediately be snuggled affectionately - Gecko (our cat) is usually her preferred victim. We're still working on the nice petting thing, and yes - we have VERY patient kitties.
Splish Splash
I was contemplating digging through the attic and putting Claire back into her skunk costume for Halloween- but I think she'd make a cute punk rocker, just check out her bathtime mohawk!
As you can see since the last bath photos, some new water toys have been introduced. Foam letters that stick to the bathroom walls (Mommy and Daddy play shower scrabble with these), water drums, and even a foam xylophone make bath time a fun event. "Ducky unlucky" is still around, but Claire seems to enjoy making alphabet soup right now. She dumps all her letters into the water and then picks them back up. I stick a few to the wall and help her sort them by color...maybe she'll learn to read or figure her colors out as a result.
We have a few plastic books that are usually floating around the tub. I have vivid memories of a "Hello Kitty" book that changed colors under hot and cold water. Maybe those chemicals have been banned or something - I haven't found anything like that for Claire.
Wrinkly toes, pruned fingers and a new found love of splashing...you can't beat bathtime for entertaining a toddler!
A Pickin' We Will Go!
With this choice of title, I could write this entry focusing on Claire's new found love for her nostrils (we keep finding her knuckle deep up there) - but instead I thought I'd share these sweet pictures of Claire gathering leaves in our yard.
Grand-Bob and Gran-C informed us of some kind of fungus affecting the color of the sugar maples in their area. Judging by the colors we're seeing, it seems not to have made it this far north. Phew!
Claire loves to walk around baskets in tow, and being outside made it all the more exciting. Of course the rocks in my planter held special appeal. Look at our little weightlifter! I had to stop her before she ground her little chompers down on the small boulders.
You might notice Claire is back in her birthday outfit. I was hoping to get a nice portrait of her in this getup. I actually bought this while pregnant intending it for her first birthday. The hat was my favorite part and the knit shirt a close second. I didn't get the "formal" portrait look I was hoping for (nor many shots with the hat ON)...but those posed portraits of a few short months ago might not happen for another year. Claire is so squirmy now it's hard to get a decent shot of her.
We should have baby cousin pictures to share any day now - McManda's due date is November first! Hooray - a new friend for Claire!
Say Hello One Year Old!
Claire's momentous birthday is passing quietly. We're saving our celebration for this weekend when the grandparents will converge in the great north for dinner and cake. Kim will be bringing the entertainment - all the kids are coming and the twins with Claire are always good for a laugh.
I had to take some pictures of Claire today to mark her birthday. McManda suggested a pile of leaves but most of ours are still on the tree! We did find a few to play with and got some adorable photos. I love 'em all but here are my favorites. Slideshow below with all of them and if you want to download them to your computer, here's a link to the online Picasa album. You might have to take a trip to the Picasa album to see the expression on her face as she crumbles some of the leaves - she's too cute!
Our photo session was going so well until Claire decided she MUST have my camera. Sorry kid...but that is one of Mommy's toys that are definitely off limits. Meltdown ensued. Here's a photo and what I'm assuming is a preview of the next couple of years.
This is the same face we get when telling Claire to get down off the stairs/out of the cabinet/off the side of the tub... the list goes on. She is happy most of the time though - but she's definitely starting to want things HER way. I guess that just what being a toddler is about!
Here's the slideshow, enjoy!
Sorry to post another pumpkin photo, but isn't this a cute one? I cooked up both sugar pumpkins with a sprinkle of cinnamon and Claire gobbled 'em up. I now have a working camera battery and will post more photos tomorrow!
Hilarious Pumpkin Photo
It's a new month and I'm trying to keep up with those desktops. Since it's October I figured I'd try for some photos with pumpkins. I had to share this one, I'm titling it "Poopin' Pumpkins" or "Girl Lays Orange Eggs." Look at that funny face!
The desktop/calendar will be up shortly - I just have to parse through the rest of the photos from our shoot. This one just couldn't wait.