
Splish Splash

DSC_0297 I was contemplating digging through the attic and putting Claire back into her skunk costume  for Halloween- but I think she'd make a cute punk rocker, just check out her bathtime mohawk!

As you can see since the last bath photos, some new water toys have been introduced. Foam letters that stick to the bathroom walls (Mommy and Daddy play shower scrabble with these), water drums, and even a foam xylophone make bath time a fun event. "Ducky unlucky" is still around, but Claire seems to enjoy making alphabet soup right now. She dumps all her letters into the water and then picks them back up. I stick a few to the wall and help her sort them by color...maybe she'll learn to read or figure her colors out as a result.


We have a few plastic books that are usually floating around the tub. I have vivid memories of a "Hello Kitty" book that changed colors under hot and cold water. Maybe those chemicals have been banned or something - I haven't found anything like that for Claire.

Wrinkly toes, pruned fingers and a new found love of can't beat bathtime for entertaining a toddler!



  1. Be sure to get behind those ears and in your neck creases Claire! Bath time is a lot of fun. Even all wet, you are adorable.

  2. Claire is such a beautiful young lady! I don't think she could ever be embarrassed by her bath pictures. She looks so grown up even from when we saw her in early September at the trapshoot. Happy belated birthday to Claire ... from the pictures of the party it looks like she had a ball with her presents and cake (and cupcakes)! I'll give you a call, so we can catch up (since I'm not always good about going online!!).
