
Birthday Party!


  1. What a great party. It was so much fun to have the R and C clans together for such a happy time. Claire, you were of course the star!

  2. awwww boo=(
    I wish I was there!!
    I've got her present here but I think it might be quite big to send in the mail..what shall I do?! I hope you got everything you wanted Claire Bear!!!

  3. Where's the pictures of Claire with cake all over her face? You got to have those pictures!

  4. Nikki - Not one cake faced picture because Claire was a dainty eater. She picked off individual sprinkles...we give her a little slice of cake on her highchair tray and she went for the leftover carrots instead - go figure. That last photo in the series you can see a smudge of frosting on her chin...that's as dirty as she got!
