
Say Hello One Year Old!

Claire's momentous birthday is passing quietly. We're saving our celebration for this weekend when the grandparents will converge in the great north for dinner and cake. Kim will be bringing the entertainment - all the kids are coming and the twins with Claire are always good for a laugh.

I had to take some pictures of Claire today to mark her birthday. McManda suggested a pile of leaves but most of ours are still on the tree! We did find a few to play with and got some adorable photos. I love 'em all but here are my favorites. Slideshow below with all of them and if you want to download them to your computer, here's a link to the online Picasa album. You might have to take a trip to the Picasa album to see the expression on her face as she crumbles some of the leaves - she's too cute!

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Our photo session was going so well until Claire decided she MUST have my camera. Sorry kid...but that is one of Mommy's toys that are definitely off limits. Meltdown ensued. Here's a photo and what I'm assuming is a preview of the next couple of years.

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This is the same face we get when telling Claire to get down off the stairs/out of the cabinet/off the side of the tub... the list goes on. She is happy most of the time though - but she's definitely starting to want things HER way. I guess that just what being a toddler is about!

Here's the slideshow, enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Claire you are the cutest one year old on the planet! Have a happy one.

    Grand-Bob and Grand-C
