Is There Value in Digital Art Programs for Preschoolers?
Portrait of Mommy, "Drawing Pad" app for iPad
I'm working up a post about digital art programs for kids and would love to hear your thoughts!
I'm torn. My daughter is a prolific artist so I see occasionally surrendering my iPad as a way to save paper. We also email the pictures around to family for all to enjoy (that's a spider below if you were wondering).
On the flip side, I know art for young children is all about the hands on process. Rolling up those sleeves and diving into a mound of playdough or cup of fingerpaint is a childhood textural experience that shouldn't be missed.
So, what are your thoughts? Do your children virtually finger paint? Is there a particular program or app you love or does your family stick to the real stuff?
I love what technology has to offer us, and I think of software and apps as just another tool to experiment with. So long as we uphold balance, and ensure our kids have a range of experiences, I have no hesitation in recommending techy tools. I've blogged about NGAKids, especially Brushster, and Bomomo, Mutapic, LiveOats, CBeebies - you'll find some at The Book Chook by using the "Art" label, or "Art as a spark for writing" label in my right sidebar.
I love what technology has to offer us, and I think of software and apps as just another tool to experiment with. So long as we uphold balance, and ensure our kids have a range of experiences, I have no hesitation in recommending techy tools. I've blogged about NGAKids, especially Brushster, and Bomomo, Mutapic, LiveOats, CBeebies - you'll find some at The Book Chook by using the "Art" label, or "Art as a spark for writing" label in my right sidebar.